The next four years may be the most enjoyable of your life. Take advantage of this opportunity. Enjoy yourself, and take time to learn something while you are there. Dad’s nine rules for college and life are the ones you already know. Apply them every day.
1. If you get thrown in jail, you are going to spend the night so don’t even bother to call me until the next morning.
2. Do the work yourself. Do not rely on study aids or other crutches.
3. If you cannot figure out which answer is correct, choose the longest one.
4. Make your own money and marry someone who makes you laugh.
5. Be good. If you can’t be good, be careful.
6. Never mess up a 20.
7. Always have a bag of pretzels available.
8. If you cannot tell who the sucker is, it is probably you.
9. Quid pro quo. Everything has a cost.